
Who would you be if you knew your colours?

Black ‘I Am' and White ‘You' Pearl Duo Set

This twin set of Pearls holds up the mirror of your dark and your light self so you can see the perfection of your soul manifested as you.
Price: $138.00
plus tax of: $17.94
Final price: $155.94

This twin set of Pearls holds up the mirror of your dark and your light self so you can see the perfection of your soul manifested as you. The density of the dark can feel menacing and full of suffering, yet it is also comforting and protecting. The light of the white can be so bright that it blinds and confuses you, yet it is also purifying and unique. Both play an equal role in your evolution and neither has more value than the other.

The Pearls remind you of how you are cultivated on your spiritual journey, where you move from feeling insignificant to claiming the truth of your divine magnificence and beauty. A pearl starts its journey as dirt, an unacceptable irritant forcing the oyster to secrete a healing fluid to coat the irritant. And when its job is done in the darkness of its shell, the beautifully cultivated pearl is released into the light. Use these bottles to discover what you have hidden in your shadow, what you were told was unacceptable. Dust it off and polish it up and share your pearls of wisdom with the world.

The Pearls help you release the most ancient patterns: that you needed to suffer in the dark to be spiritual; that you could only find your spirit in the light - all those old beliefs that forced you to make a choice and separate light from dark. Now you can let them stand side by side, your divine ‘I Am’ and ‘You’ in perfect balance.